Supportive Living Program
Who can come?
Youth who are committed to working with a youth outreach worker on a plan around one of following: Educational, Mental Health & Addictions program, Employment training program, or Work.
You will not be “placed” but invited to join a program and reside at one of the three sites, preferably in your home community. We work with our partners to figure out the money stuff and help you get to where you are going.
You would stay between 3 months and 24 months, and you are central to the amount of time.
You would be expected to follow a program that helps you to grow into adulthood, independent living, & discover your place in your community.
The daily routine will vary. You will have a unique plan that you design with your team.
Food, utilities, laundry, phone, internet, and mail service will be available to each house member.
Residence at one of the homes will follow a harm reduction approach and we will support you in your choices.
What is it?
Supportive and Cooperative Living
A Safe Place to Live
What is it not?
A Shelter
A Group Home

Steps to take
You will start with an intake with the Portal. Do you want support? We’ll explore your needs.
A referral can be done through a phone call, text, email, face to face by a support person or on your own.
We will work with you (those 16- 18 years) to confirm that you cannot live with your parents.
Need and priority will be determined for youth 19- 21 years of age that need this type of housing.
We will arrange a House visit for potential youth and confirm the right fit.
We have a house in each county: Annapolis, Kings, and West Hants.
Operational Funding is provided by DCS, Prevention and Early Intervention and the Housing and Homelessness Program, Province of Nova Scotia